German Organ and Keyboard Music of the 17th Century - Volume 2
Expected to ship in about a week.
- Composers: Peeter Cornet, Melchior Woltmann, Weisthoma Bartholomäus, Christoph Walter, Nicolaus Adam Strungk, Johann Kuhnau (1660-1722), Matthias Kinigl, Samuel Michaelis, Christian Herbig, Caspar Haßler, Christian Erbach (1568-1635), Johann Heinrich Buttstett, Johann Erasmus Kindermann, Hieronimus Brehme, Peter Philips (1560-1628)
- Instrumentation: Organ
- Size: 12.0 x 9.1 inches
- Pages: 106
- Urtext / Critical Edition
Siegbert Rampe's recently finished two-volume edition takes us back to the early 17th century to discover a wealth of valuable keyboard compositions.
The second volume, like the first, consists entirely of first publications, this time of pieces by Buttstedt , Erbach , Kindermann , Philips, Christoph Walter and others. with their remarkable contrapuntal intricacy and formal mastery, these pieces invite harpsichord players and organists to diversify their recitals. Sometimes the reader is offered a glimpse of incalculable educational value into previously unknown organ specifications. Our scholarly-critical edition is rigorously based on the surviving source material and contains a critical report, a catalogue of sources, and a detail preface with sections devoted to ornamentation, editorial technique and performance practice.
Anonymous Praeludium in D Minor
Anonymus Trompet in D Minor
Anonymus Cornet in D Minor
Anonymus Praeludium in G Minor
Anonymus Fantasia in G Minor
Anonymus Tocata in F Major
Anonymus Fantasia in F Major
Brehme, Hieronimus Paduann in C Major
Buttstett, Johann Heinrich Gelobet seÿstu Jesu Christ
Buttstett, Johann Heinrich Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her
Cornet, Peeter Fantasia in E Minor
Cornet, Peeter Den Lustelyiken may in G Major
Erbach, Christian Canzona in E Major
Haßler, Caspar Fantasia in C Major
Herbig, Christian Canzon in D Minor Vater unser im Himmelreich
Herbig, Christian Canzona in D Minor Wir glauben all an einen Gott
Herbig, Christian Canzona supra Nun kom der Heÿden Heyland in G Minor
Herbig, Christian Canzona. supra Christ lag in todes banden in D Minor
Kindermann, Johann Erasmus Toccata in C Major
Kindermann, Johann Erasmus Toccata ex G.
Kinigl, Matthias Toccata in C Major
Kuhnau, Johann Praeludium in D Minor
Michaelis, Samuel Toccata ex F
Olter, Marcus Canzona in F Minor
Philips, Peter Almande d'amor in G Minor
Philips, Peter Che fa in D Minor
Philips, Peter Den lustelijken mei in G Major
Philips, Peter Liquide perle amor in G Major
Philips, Peter Madrigal Horatio Vechi Se desio de fugir in D Minor
Anonymus / Schädlich, David Partita in C Major Allemand · Couranta nova · Sarabanda · Ballet · Sirenea
Strungk, Nicolaus Adam Capriccio I mi Tuoni in D Minor Genesis of the work: 1686
Strungk, Nicolaus Adam Ricercar in G Major Sopra la Morte della mia carissima Madre Catharina Maria Stubenrauen Genesis of the work: 1685
Walter, Christoph Paduan in F Major
Walter, Christoph Fantasia in D Minor
Walter, Christoph Fantasia in D Minor
Walter, Christoph Fantasia in G Minor
Walter, Christoph Fantasia in A Minor
Walter, Christoph Fantasia in F Major
Bartholomäus, Weisthoma Toccata in D Minor
Bartholomäus, Weisthoma Toccata in C Major
Woltmann, Melchior Von Gott wil [ich] nicht lassen